Dr. Mary Lou Bryant Frank

Dr. Mary Lou Bryant Frank, Ph.D., M.S., M.Ed., is a psychologist, court approved mediator, mediation trainer, and consultant. She publishes in national and international journals and textbooks on peacemaking, psychology, negotiation, gender, and mediation.

She served as president of the International Academy of Dispute Resolution, served as a university vice president, dean, and professor, and has provided conflict resolution training in over twenty countries. Her book, The mind of a peacemaker: The psychology of mediation (2023) is in its third edition.


Psychology, American Psychological Association approved program in Counseling
Psychology, College of Natural Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins,
Colorado. Clinical internship, University of Delaware


Psychology, American Psychological Association approved program in Counseling
Psychology, College of Natural Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins,


Counseling, College of Education, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado,
Including additional studies to gain certification in Marriage and Family Therapy.
Additional coursework in graduate economics from the University of Colorado as a part
of grants from the Colorado Council on Economic Education


Speech (Communication), with Distinction, College of Arts and Sciences, Colorado State University